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Efficient use case implementation with FELD M's data strategy

  • Data strategy

Digital industry

Main objectives:
  • Evaluate the status-quo – how data-driven is JobCloud already and what needs to be improved
  • Develop a prioritized data use case backlog – begin implementation directly
  • Create a tailored solution – including processes, roles and an enablement program

With its platforms and,  JobCloud is the leading digital company in the Swiss recruitment market. According to Malte Kriegel, CFO “JobCloud’s ambition is to leverage data to support its B2B and B2C customers reaching their goals. Over the past years, the organization has come a long way and reached milestones, such as:

  • Building a scalable set-up for trusted, relevant and updated data (single source of truth) to power new data use cases.

  • Employing a top-ranked BI tool and providing access and training to users.

  • Recruiting an integrated Team of Data Engineers, BI Experts, Analysts and Scientists to work hand-in-hand with the business.”

In the light of the huge volume of different datasets from various data sources that JobCloud had captured over time, clear processes & transparency were needed to support powerful data usage. What was needed was the formulation and implementation of a company-wide data strategy – in alignment with the overall company goals to enable efficient and sustainable use of its data in the development of new services and optimization of existing services.

The company tasked FELD M with developing this Data Strategy to bring them into the starting position to sustainably implement Data Use Cases in a major style.  The FELD M Data Strategy Framework would be instrumental in the project.


Malte Kriegel
CFO, JobCloud

"FELD M did a fantastic job to map our accomplishments to date into their holistic Data Strategy framework. They provided clear guidance which priorities to tackle next. I am happy to bring in the experts of FELD M from time to time to reassess JobCloud’s data literacy and to support identifying our next priorities."

Our approach – from understanding to strategy

To make the best use of the data assets it was essential to develop a data set-up enabling JobCloud to implement data use cases with as much agility as possible. Therefore, first use cases were to be developed, challenged, and prioritized with different stakeholders.

We began by conducting interviews to better understand the goals, needs and challenges of the individual departments regarding data-driven work. Our focus was to better understand the status of the core elements of the Data Strategy Framework: starting with use cases, followed by technology, data & analytics and finally enablement and organization. It was important to introduce and support the development of necessary expertise and skills and set up processes and roles that enable data-driven work while fostering a company-wide data culture. Those topics need to be addressed to enable a company to be really data driven and to establish and realize a data strategy.

The next step involved cross-departmental workshops to collect, align and prioritize data use cases, while taking the overarching business goals into account.

These findings formed the basis of a maturity analysis, which revealed the gap between the status quo and the targets.


image (9) (1)

Gap Analysis on the elements of FELD M's Data Strategy Framework



Holistic data strategy – from tool stack and data governance to data literacy

FELD M's data strategy for JobCloud was based on a prioritized data use case backlog aligned with business goals and the recommended actions and measures derived from it.

Here are a few examples:

  • Optimization measures for tool stack, data architecture & privacy.

  • Data cataloging as a precursor to the single source of truth

  • Sharper definitions of certain roles and processes for clear ownership and transparency

  • Processes for generation, elaboration, prioritization, and structured implementation of data use cases

  • Data manifesto as well as other artifacts for establishing a data culture

  • Tailored enablement program for data and tool literacy for different stakeholders / teams

  • Establishment of an information hub ensuring transparent exchange of all data use cases and insights

With our recommendations for a fast and smooth implementation of the data strategy, JobCloud was able to start with the realization of the first data use case even before project completion.

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