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Clear positioning in the new and growing online-only car market

  • Consumer & user research


The client and the FELD M team agreed on the following key deliverables:
  • Identification of three relevant personas based on key differentiators – convenience, innovativeness, uncertainty avoidance
  • Concrete and actionable recommendations for marketing communication as well as services on the platform
  • A clear concept for competitive positioning and identification of success key factors for differentiation

The German used car retail platform instamotion takes online car sales to a new level: the platform offers used cars that have been put to the acid test and received a quality certificate. Buyers select a vehicle virtually and make the purchase before ever having seen it in real life. The car is then delivered to the address of the buyer, who has two weeks’ time to withdraw in case he is not satisfied with the chosen car.

Buying a car without meeting it in person could be compared to the way online dating was seen 10 years ago – it may be widely accepted today, but it was quite exceptional back then. And there are many indications that online car sales will follow a similar trajectory. As the market grows and consolidates, the race is on to find a clear positioning – not an easy task with multiple competitors presenting virtually identical offerings and value propositions.

The Munich-based platform recognized that it needed to familiarize potential customers with its business model and develop a strong differentiator – a unique selling proposition (USP) – to stay ahead of the competition. This would require professional market research and the definition of relevant personas.

instamotion chose FELD M as its partner in identifying its current and potential target groups and gaining a deep understanding of their needs and interests. Based on these insights, the next step would be to hone instamotion’s positioning as the basis for developing target group-specific campaigns.

Chief Marketing Officer at instamotion

»FELD M used qualitative and quantitative methods to give us a deeper understanding of our target group and provided important insights for the further development of our TV campaign and offers. The cooperation is not only characterized by a very high methodological competence. The high level of pragmatism and the very fast implementation were also particularly valuable for us. Based on the very concrete and valuable findings, we were able to decisively develop our marketing communication. I can therefore recommend FELD M without reservation.«

Multiple market research methods for 3-dimensional insights

The FELD M team took a multipronged approach to this user research and user experience (UX) design project. Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, we set out to gain a comprehensive understanding of the relevant target groups.

The initial qualitative study involved semi-structured interviews. We asked participants about their motivation, behavior, and level of involvement regarding car buying to get an overview of their attitudes, uncertainties, and opinions. Based on these insights, we developed a questionnaire for a quantitative study. Its purpose was to verify the results of the qualitative study and shed light on instamotion’s market position compared to its competitors. The findings from the first project phase enabled us to identify five personas, three of which are highly relevant for instamotion.

Equipped with a clear picture of the relevant personas, the FELD M team then analyzed the relevance and impact of the previous campaign. This analysis entailed showing participants the instamotion campaign and those of direct competitors, then evaluating responses using the AttrakDiff method (a survey based on a semantic differential). Participants were subsequently shown the respective different online platforms. The overall purpose was to identify which brand messages and content were understood and remembered on the spot, what expectations participants had, and to what extent these were met in the subsequent visit to the website.

In a final test phase, we conducted user tests of the online platform to determine the relevance of the emotional benefits communicated by instamotion as well as the usability and comprehensibility of the Website. Throughout the entire process, the customer remained involved, so that interim results could be discussed and debated, and any questions that arose were incorporated into the next round of research.

Target-group insights enable targeted product and marketing communications

As a result of this comprehensive market analysis, user research, and UX design project, instamotion has acquired data-based insights that reveal not only a concrete picture of its current and potential target groups but also afford an overview of the platform’s performance in comparison to competitors.

In addition, we jointly created actionable concepts for future campaigns and Website optimization. These include:

  • Campaigns with a keen focus on the three identified personas that trigger curiosity and reinforce the brand name

  • Website optimization to further build user trust by communicating benefits clearly and transparently, including comprehensive information on financing and payment

  • Enhanced usability of the platform with the additional option of personal contact in the sales process

With these hard data and well-founded recommendations, instamotion is now well-equipped to position itself clearly and stand out from the competition.


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